Parish Neighbors is a ministry which supports the less fortunate in our parish and surrounding community by providing food, personal items, gift cards and other means of assistance. Parish Neighbors operates 100% based on generous donations and gracious volunteers. We welcome and appreciate new donors and volunteers;
please contact Pat Grise at (716) 926-9014, or email prgrise@gmail.com.
If you need our assistance or know someone who does, you may contact the Parish Office at (716) 649-3090 to leave a name and phone number.
Parish Neighbors is not one ministry, but five! You can learn more about each ministry below.
In 2022, Parish Neighbors helped over 1,000 individuals in 300 households, plus three families who lost everything they owned in an apartment building fire this fall.
All this is possible through the hard work of our team and the generosity of our parish. MAY GOD BLESS YOU!

The Pantry
Groceries for Those in Need
The Pantry provides groceries at NO EXPENSE to families in need throughout the Buffalo southtowns. Donations are accepted at all church entrances throughout the week, or at The Pantry by appointment. All non-expired, non-perishable food items are welcomed. Gift cards, gas cards, and cash gifts are also appreciated.

Funeral Luncheon Ministry
Meals to Comfort
Funeral Luncheons are offered at NO EXPENSE for up to 75 family members and friends of a loved one having a funeral at our parish church. Meals are provided in the Community Room and are prepared by gracious volunteers. Monetary donations are welcomed to help subsidize the cost of this ministry. Volunteers are always needed to help prepare and serve food, and to clean up after the luncheon.

Martha's Meals
Meals for Difficult Times
Martha, who served a meal to Jesus, is the patron saint of cooking. The Martha's Meal ministry offers meals at NO EXPENSE to individuals or families in short term crisis situations, such as prolonged illness, cancer treatment, recovering from an accident, surgery or a stroke, or any other situation where delivery of a home cooked meal would help ease the burden of the situation. Volunteers are always needed to help prepare and deliver meals. Donations are welcomed to subsidize the cost of the meals. To help with this ministry, please contact Patricia Connolly at (716) 648-4379, or patsycons@yahoo.com.

Sunshine Committee
Cards and Notes to Lift Spirits
The Sunshine Committee sends out various types of greeting cards and notes to members of our parish family throughout the year. These may include sick cards, thinking of you, and sympathy cards. We also reach out to the ill and housebound with various holiday cards throughout the year. Who does not love to receive a card to brighten their day and remind them that they are in someone’s thoughts and prayers! Contact Mary McWatters at (716) 870-7331 or mmcw628@aol.com if you or someone you know would like to receive a card, or if you'd like to volunteer to write.

The Giving Tree
Gifts to Bring Christmas Joy
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, trees are set up in the church which contain angel tags, each designated with the gender and age of a recipient, requesting the donation of gift cards or age-appropriate unwrapped gifts. Gift cards are especially appreciated, as it allows the individuals or families to shop for the items needed or wanted by both children and adults. Parishioners are encouraged to purchase gift cards for the tree through the ShopWithScrip program, from which the parish receives a percentage of the amount as a donation. The Giving Tree is a wonderful success each year, with over 50 families supported by the generosity of the parish.

Undies Sunday
Essentials to Help the Homeless
Each year in July, Parish Neighbors collects new men's, women's, and children's underwear and socks to donate to local homeless shelters. These items are much needed and greatly appreciated in these facilities.