God made us for joy! God is joy, and the joy of living reflects the original joy God felt in creating us.
[Saint John Paul II]
The Church continues to affirm the dignity of every human being, and to grow in knowledge and understanding of the gifts and needs of her members who live with disabilities. Likewise, the Church recognizes that every parish community includes members with disabilities, and earnestly desires their active participation.
All members of the Body of Christ are uniquely called by God by virtue of their Baptism. In light of this call, the Church seeks to support all in their growth in holiness, and to encourage all in their vocations. Participating in, and being nourished by, the grace of the sacraments is essential to this growth in holiness. Catholic adults and children with disabilities, and their families, earnestly desire full and meaningful participation in the sacramental life of the Church.
Taken from the Guidelines for the Celebration of Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities, USCCB
At Saint Bernadette, we welcome children of all abilities! We try to include most children with special needs in our regular faith formation groups with accommodations. We also offer a specialized program, God's Family 2.
God's Family 2 is an exciting program our parish offers to support persons of all ages with disabilities and their families. We meet monthly on the second Saturday from 9:30am-11:00am in the Parish Ministry Center Community Room. Our goal is to grow in community and in our understanding and practice of our Catholic faith.
Parishioners click here for registration.
If you have a child with special needs,
we ask that you complete an
Individualized Faith Formation Plan
to help us serve your family well and identify your child's abilities and needs.
For more information please contact the Faith Formation office.

All people with disabilities are welcomed and accommodated at our regular Masses.
There is a sensory room with rocking chairs, kneelers and open pews along with manipulative boards in the back of the church. Low gluten hosts are offered at weekend Masses.
We have cut out pews throughout the church to accommodate people with mobility disabilities.
Our parish offers an inclusive Christmas and Easter Mass to accommodate and welcome families with members with special needs as regular holiday Masses may not accommodate the needs of our brothers and sisters with disabilities. These Masses are shorter, less crowded, have dimmer lighting and softer music. All communication is a gift from God, so expressions of glory are welcome in sound, gestures and movement. We encourage movements like swaying or humming to the music.
Our Inclusive Christmas Mass will be held on
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Our Inclusive Easter Mass will be held on
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Our Inclusive Masses are sponsored by the
Open Doors Ministry.
"The inclusive Mass at Saint Bernadette's was our brave attempt to bring Danny to an actual Mass. We have often made visits to church when we would not disturb anyone. When we were greeted at the door with open arms and great big smiles, we knew that [Daniel's] "first Christmas Mass" was where we all belonged."
- Conny Lydon, attended Christmas Inclusive Mass 2018