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Welcome to Saint Bernadette Parish!

We're glad you're here.  Whether you are currently a parishioner or are thinking about joining the parish, we warmly invite you to experience the faith and fellowship at Saint Bernadette.

Saint Bernadette now has Assisted Listening Technology!

Sound from the priest, lector, and choir can be delivered to your headphones through your iPhone or Android device through the AudioFetch app.

For help getting set up, take a flyer at the church entrances or email Jon at


Church Interior

Ushers are needed at all masses.  We greet fellow parishioners, guide them to their seats and for communion, and pass the collection baskets.  If you feel called to this ministry, please contact Rich at 716-572-2910.


The Parish Neighbors Pantry always needs non-perishable food to provide for needy families. Please remember the Pantry during your weekly shopping trips!

Girl with Smoothie

St. Luke’s Baby Room Ministry needs new or clean, gently used
girls clothing, esp 18mos. - 2T. Donations may be placed in the bins near the rear church entrances.

Wrapped Gifts

The Scrip Card Program is a great way to support the parish by buying gift cards for stores like Target and Home Depot.  Message Cindy Sodaro or click here to learn more.


Experience the joy of sharing an hour of your week with our Lord through Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.  Visit our


to see a list of the times most in need.


Faith Formation Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open.  Registration forms can be accessed

<< HERE >>

Visit our Faith Formation page for more information.

Fish & Chips Plate

The Parish Friendship Supper is Holy Thursday, 4/17, at 5:30pm in the Ministry Center.  Please bring a dish to pass, with no nuts.  Beverages / silverware provided.  Mass to follow at 7pm.

Call Ann @ 861-5465.

Support Group


St. Bernadette has over 50 organizations and ministries that offer fellowship, service, and support.  Visit our WEBSITE PAGE to find one eager to welcome you!

The 2024 Catholic Charities appeal is underway.  To date, the parish has received 110 pledges for $38,900 toward our goal of $109,817 (32%).  Thanks to all who have pledged, and please consider supporting the work of this important organization if you have not yet done so.

In November 2024, St. Bernadette received a decree from the Diocese of Buffalo to merge the parish with SS Peter & Paul parish.  The letter and decree are available at the links below.

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